The Ministry of Human Resource Development, Deptt. of Higher Education, Govt. of India, had decided to establish 200 Community Colleges under the National Vocational Educational Qualification Framework (NVEQF) now known as NSQF (National Skill Qualification Framework) on a Pilot basis from the Academic Session 2013 from existing Colleges/ Polytechnics in India. Accordingly, Govt. of Punjab/ Director Technical Education and Industrial Training had very kindly supported this prestigious project and identified only two Polytechnic Colleges, out of 120 Polytechnic Colleges of Punjab and this Institute – Mehr Chand Polytechnic College, Jalandhar, is one of them. Mehr Chand Polytechnic College, Jalandhar, has already implemented this scheme of Community College in the Institute from the Academic Session 2013-14 and is running successfully so far.
The objectives of this Vocational and Skill Development is to create a workforce empowered with the necessary and continuously upgraded skills, knowledge and internationally recognized qualifications to gain access to decent employment and ensure India’s competitiveness in the dynamic global market. It aims at increasing the productivity and employability of workforce (wage and self-employed) both in the organized and the unorganized sectors through parallel path to current education system. It seeks increased participation of Youth, women, disabled and other  is advantaged sections and to synergize efforts of various sectors and reform the present system with the enhanced capability to adapt to changing technologies and labour market demands.
This course of D. Voe (Diploma in Vocation) allow candidates for cross mobility of academic standards and their absorption in Industry with certain skills gained over a fixed period of time or their seamless integration into higher learning that enable them to acquire formal diploma and higher skills so that they perform higher level jobs in Industry .
As per guidelines of the MHRD, Govt. of India, a Board of Management and Board of Studies consisting of representatives from the Central/ State Govt./ Industries/ Educationists already constituted have already been approved by the O/o Director Tech. Edu. & Ind. Trg. Deptt. Punjab, Chandigarh, vide their Memo No. 20TE/119-120 I Community dated 10.05.2013.
At the initial stage, the following programs have been started w.e.f. 25.09.2013
1. Diploma Vocational (Information Technology) – 
    Software Development – sanctioned intake 100 students
    Level (NSQF) Ill to V 
    Duration 1000 Hrs./Yr. (Each Level)
2. Diploma Vocational (Automobiles) – Auto Electrical & Electronics – sanctioned intake 100 students
   Level (NSQF) Ill to V
   Duration 1000 Hrs./Yr. ( Each Level)

The Duration and Entry Level Qualifications are as under :

After completion of the required Level Programme, the credits earned by the trainees will be transferred to respective State Board of Technical Education to certify the level of course. The Polytechnic College/Community College will conduct the examination based on the prescribed pattern and the respective Technical Board will certify the particular level as per the guidelines issued by AICTE, New Delhi.
In case, one completes his/her certificate level 5 successfully, he/she will be awarded with Diploma Certificate (D.Voc) as per guidelines of AICTE, New Delhi (NSQF Scheme of MHRD Govt. of India).

The evaluation and assessment of skills /training will be done jointly by skill knowledge Provider (SKP) and Coordinator of the Community College. The Assessment will be based on three dimensions (Self Assessment, Work Skills, Internship Supervision at the works spot).

The Punjab State Board of Technical Education. & industrial  Training, Plot No.1-A, Sector-36-A, Chandigarh, has already accorded their consent for certification and affiliation of the above courses.