Accredited Program
Electrical Engineering Department embodies very sincere towards the building up of excellent career for diploma holders in the field of Electrical Engineering. It is a basic and conventional course of Engineering which is being offered since 1958 in this institute. The department not only provides exemplary training to its own students but practical training is also provided to other Engineering. Institute near by regions. The department is of the firm opinion that once the students have understood the basic concepts of different subjects thoroughly and have received proper practical training in the laboratories, they are well set to be placed in any organization of repute as an Electrical Engineering.
The department is well equipped with various laboratories. It has highly qualified and experienced staff .Presently, the intake to the program is of 60 students. Duration of the course is of three years, each year is comprised of two semesters and at the end of each semester, examinations are conducted by Punjab State board of Technical Education, Chandigarh.
Six weeks compulsory practical training is provided to the students of Electrical Engineering Department in leading companies and organization after the end of fourth semester.
The department of Electrical Engineering is committed to produce comprehensively, socially responsible, innovative Electrical Engineers to contribute to the nations imprint on the world stage
M1. To develop and deliver Quality academic programmed in emerging and innovative field of engineering to empower the students to meet Industry Standards.
M2. Strengthening Technical Education with special focus on training and skills up gradation of teaching and technical manpower of the region.
Some Important Links
HOD : 01
Lecturer : 05
Lab.Asstt : 01
Peon : 01
1 | Er. D.S.Rana (VRS) | A.M.I.E | HOD | dsrana0134@gmail.com |
2 | Er. Kashmir Kumar | T.T.T.I | Incharge w.e.f. 20/12/2023 | kashmir_kumar@yahoo.co.in |
3 | Er. Vikramjit Singh Sanghotra | B.E | Lecturer | labhsanghotra@yahoo.co.in |
4 | Er. Geeta Rani | B.E | Lecturer | samargourav551@gmail.com |
5 | Er. Simratpal Kaur | B.Tech. | Lecturer | samiyasamaira55@gmail.com |
6 | Er. Gagandeep | M.Tech | Lecturer | er.gagandeep21@gmail.com |
7 | Er. Arvind Dutta | B.Tech. | Guest Lecturer | arvind_dutta@yahoo.com |
8 | Sh.Ritesh | Diploma (Electrical) | Lab Att. |

The department has the facility of fully equipped and spacious laboratories The Electrical Machine Laboratory have a number of AC / DC motor/generator set , single phase and three phase transformer, single phase and three phase energy meter etc. for conducting various experiments.
Besides this, there is Electrical Measurement Laboratory, Electronics Laboratory, Basic Electrical Laboratory, Electrical Power Laboratory and Electrical Workshop having all the equipment’s and facilities for the conduct of various experiments / exercises as per curriculum of diploma education programme.
The department has received a grant of Rs.3.00 lakhs for the modernisation of laboratories under the Modernisation and Removal of Obsolescence Scheme(MODROBS) of All India Council of Technical Education(AICTE).
Name of the project & Coordinator
Modernisation of Elect.Lab – Er.S.K.Sahdev
Funding Agency and the duration of the project
AICTE ( 2002-2003)
Name of the major equipment procured
Universal machine, three phase transformer , winding machine for ceiling fan, oil testing machine, high voltage testing machine, various analog / digital instruments
The students passing Diploma in Electrical Engineering, can work in various capacities like Junior Engineer, Electrical Inspector, Supervisor etc. in different organizations / sectors as listed below:-
Govt. Departments such as, Electricity Board, MES, PWD, Railways, Thermal, Hydro and Nuclear Power Station’s and other boards and corporations.
The students passing the diploma in Electrical Engineering. can further enhance their career academically as shown below:-