The various workshops are pivotal for the students of all disciplines in general and the students of the mechanical engineering in particular. The students of all trades i.e. Civil, Electrical, Mechanical, Electronics, Computer and Automobile engineering courses undergo practical training in first and second semester whereas students of mechanical engineering and automobile engineering under go training in these workshops upto sixth semester.

Diploma technician is expected to know basic workshop practice like, welding, forging, fitting, machine and wood working processes and also control various types of machinery and equipment’s.



The various workshops well equipped with latest equipments and modern machines (including CNC) are given below :

1. Turning Shop
2. Machine Shop
3. Fitting Shop
4. Welding Shop
5. Sheet Metal Shop
6. Carpentry Shop
7. Pattern Maker Shop
8. Foundry Shop
9. Smithy Shop
10. Electrical Shop
11. Electronics Workshop
While working in the workshops, a dress code has been decided, so that the students can work freely on the machines without any hesitation or fear of dirt, oil or grease being attached to their formal dress. The colour of dress code is as under : light blue / grey apron.


S. No.  Name of faculty  Designation  Mobile No. 
1 S. Tarlok Singh  W/Shop Supdt.  9417131639
2 Sh. Durgesh Kumar Instructor  9417397731
3 Sh. Mohit Sehdev  Instructor  8360262310
4 S. Kulwinder Singh  Instructor  9872226333
5 S.Inderjit Singh Sagoo Instructor  9888151519
6 Sh. Naresh Kumar  Instructor  7807811814
7 S. Jatinder Singh  Instructor  8146696761