By swimming, everybody can learn how to gain strength and stamina, but side by side if you practice yoga, you can never be ditched, you will never feel tired. This is a fact by itself.. .. no tiredness.
It is generally acknowledged that Yoga and its ancient teachings blend perfectly with present day ideas and way of life. The word ‘Yoga’ comes from Indian Philosophy, it literally means union, and in this context refers to the union of the individual’s soul with the Universe.

Yoga is an ancient philosophy of life

 as well as a system of exercise that encourages the union of mind, body, and spirit. In the words of Patanjali, author of the Yoga Sutras, “Yoga is the ability to focus the mind on a single point without distraction.” Yoga is a physical discipline; it uses the body and breathing to develop self-awareness and mental clarity. Yoga camps are held in the college atleast once in a semester under the expert guidance of Mr. Prabhu Dayal, Lecturer Mechanical. Our college also participates in International Yoga Day (21st June).